Git is designed to assure us that we can track a project’s files at different points in time. But it doesn’t assure us that those files are always safe along the way. For those of you who have dealt with the sinking feeling that you’ve irrevocably deleted and lost files, Sanmi has a couple of approaches that, in the right situations, may help bring them back.
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Looking for ways to create a smooth CI/CD flow for your software? In this article, Tom Hastjarjanto shares a quick list of useful concepts that can be combined with GitHub Actions and NPM packages. To fully benefit from the setup and the release with maximum confidence, it is highly recommended to have a robust test suite that runs on integration.
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Mistakes. These cruel villains do not even stop at the beautiful world of software development. But although we cannot avoid making mistakes, we can learn to undo them! In this article, Tobias Günther will show you the right tools for your daily work with Git. You might want to check the first article of the series as well.
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No matter how experienced you are, mistakes are an inevitable part of software development. But we can learn to repair them! During the course of this article, you’ll witness many disasters — but you’ll see that virtually nothing is beyond repair in Git! Once you know the right commands, you can always find a way to save your neck. And this is what Tobias will be looking at in this two-part series: how to undo mistakes using Git.
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Git has so many powerful features under the hood! From Interactive Rebase to Submodules and from the Reflog to File History, these advanced features help you become more productive and make fewer mistakes. In this article, Tobias explores some of the less known but very useful features in Git. You’ll learn how to recover deleted commits, clean up your commit history, use submodules to manage third-party code and compose commits with precision — along with a friendly Git cheat sheet.
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You don’t need to know your trees from your dangling blobs. If you use Git every day and feel like it’s a juggling act, then here are some tricks and tips to help make your life a bit easier. There’s been a lot written about getting started with git, understanding how git works under the hood or techniques for better branching strategies. In this article, Shane Hudson will specifically target the stuff that just makes your life better in a small way.
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Ever built a website and reached for jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue.js or React to acheive some basic user interaction? Alpine.js is a fraction of the size of these frameworks because it involves no build steps and provides all of the tools you need to build a basic user interface. Today, Phil Smith is going to take a closer look at Alpine.js and how it can replace JQuery or larger JavaScript libraries to build interactive websites. If you regularly build sites that require a sprinkling on Javascript to alter the UI based on some user interaction, then this article is for you.
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Development workflows can easily get out of hand and start causing confusion and friction within teams — especially as they get bigger in size. There have been too many times when our code review was just about noticing that missing comma or the failing tests that never run before pushing to a remote repository. Thankfully, there are tools that can take this friction away, make developers’ workflows more straightforward and help us concentrate on the things that actually matter the most. Thanks to git and the hooks it provides, we have a great variety of automation with which we can set our development workflow and make our lives easier.
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Dealing with this in JavaScript can be tricky. But what if instead of fight against it we could leverage on it to achieve nice stuff like function composition with virtual methods? This is what Willian Martins is going to explore in this article about one of the potential upcoming JavaScript features: The Bind Operator. The goal here is to add some hype around it and create awareness of the hard work that TC39 is doing to find consensus, fix all the syntax and semantics issues and have it shipped with the next releases of ECMAScript.
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Currently, GitHub Pages doesn’t offer a route-handling solution; the Pages system is intended to be a flat, simple mechanism for serving basic project content. GitHub does provide one morsel of customization for your project website: the ability to add a 404.html file and have it served as your custom error page. Turns out that many folks have experienced the same issue with GitHub Pages and liked the general idea. However, the problem that some folks on Twitter correctly raised was that the 404.html page is still served with a status code of 404. The gauntlet had been thrown down, and in this article, Daniel Bauchner decided to answer — and answer with vigor!
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